Power consumption measurement with the Shelly 3EM

I bought the Shelly 3 EM to measure my electricity consumption.
Please note that installation may only be carried out by qualified personnel, i.e. an electrician. It takes very little effort to install the Shelly in the meter cabinet. It is mounted on a top-hat rail in the meter or distribution box, requires a 240V connection itself and comes with 3 current measurement adapters that are placed around the three phases for measurement.

As usual, the Shelly is available immediately after the initial setup via the Shelly app on the cell phone in the Home Assistant. However, the Shelly integration must first be included in the Home Assistant.

The Shelly provides 6 entities, for each phase the current consumption and the total consumption.
I have also implemented the totals for each entity using a template sensor.

This allows you to quickly create a dashboard element:

      - name: "Verbrauch Summe"
        unit_of_measurement: "W"
        device_class: power
        state_class: measurement
        state: >
          {{ states.sensor.shelly_shem_3_485519dac30b_1_current_consumption.state | float(0) + states.sensor.shelly_shem_3_485519dac30b_2_current_consumption.state |float(0) + states.sensor.shelly_shem_3_485519dac30b_3_current_consumption.state | float(0) }} 
      - name: "Total Kwh"
        unit_of_measurement: "KWh"
        device_class: energy
        state_class: measurement
        state: >
          {{ (states.sensor.shelly_shem_3_485519dac30b_1_total_consumption.state | float(0) +states.sensor.shelly_shem_3_485519dac30b_2_total_consumption.state | float(0) + states.sensor.shelly_shem_3_485519dac30b_3_total_consumption.state | float(0)) |  round(2)}} 

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I, Guido Jeuken (Place of residence: Germany), would like to process personal data with external services. This is not necessary for using the website, but allows me to interact even more closely with them. If desired, please make a choice: