After using a fairly simple solution in the first post on the subject, I now have a sensor in use that automatically detects when the window is open and then turns the heating down. This completely automates the control system.
I took my very simple door/window sensor and integrated it into my Home Assistant. This very simple sensor requires the Tuya Cloud, but with the new Tuya integration in Home Assistant, integration is very easy.
When the sensor detects that the window is opened, the following automation runs:
- Save the target temperature of the radiator valve in a variable
- Set the radiator valve to the minimum temperature
- Wait 15 minutes
- Send a message “Please close window” with the condition window sensor is still open
- loop with abort if the window sensor reports that the window has been closed.
- Message “Please close window” with the condition window sensor is still open
- Finally, the setpoint temperature is reset to the value stored in the variable